Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 20- What do I do here?

I have always felt that I'm not that old. I'm about to be 37 yet I still feel really young, that was until today's first.

Day 20- Today was the first time I went on Twitter and tweeted something. So many people are talking about Twitter, even the pope was tweeting in Latin. The pope! I mean really, if the pope can figure out Twitter so can I.

I signed up and it took forever because every name is already taken. How can that be?

Then it took me a while to figure out how to tweet since I didn't want to just start pushing buttons. Everytime I do something horrible happens like the screen turning upside down or the black screen of death. Well, I had to start pushing buttons or I would never figure it out. It ended up being the quill and ink button which I found funny since no one writes letters by hand anymore.

Finally I began to write and realize you can write only a certain amount of characters. I started to feel more and more frustrated and out of the loop. I'm sure it is how my parents feel when I tell them to go on the internet to buy something or to check out my facebook page.

So I got on Twitter, tweeted, had no idea what I was doing, and completed today's frustrating, first. Today might be my last day on Twitter also.


  1. Haha! I just tweeted this without really knowing what I'm doing. Maybe it isn't as hard as I thought. Or I could be just a fast learner. I'll go with the latter one.

  2. Lisa! I have spent the last 20 minutes reading all of your firsts! What an awesome idea - I especially love the photos that help bring your firsts to life! Thank you for doing this - I am living vicariously through your fun!

    1. Thanks Danika! I'm having fun experiencing all these new things. I figured I needed to take pics or some people might not believe me. Glad you are enjoying it.
