Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 12- The Kid is in Charge.

Having the stomach flu is horrible. Having the stomach flu while you have 2 little kids at home and your husband is at work is my worse nightmare. That was my Saturday. What would I do for a "first" that day was the last thing from my mind. I realized that we had a "first" at our house without planning it.

Day 12- My daughter, age 4, was in charge of our day for the "first" time since I was sick with the flu. She did everything! I don't know what I would have done without her that day. She pushed chairs into the kitchen so she could reach everything. She poured juice, without spilling it, for her sister and herself. Though they did take advantage of that and drank the whole container. She fed themselves fruit snacks (4 each!), crackers, a whole bag of goldfish, applesauce, and all our fresh fruit she could get her hands on. They played, watched television, let the dogs in and out, and dressed themselves.

By the time Dan arrived home from work, the house looked like a war zone. There were chairs scattered around the kitchen, multiple dishes on the table from the various snacks, clothes that were looked at but not worn thrown in piles, and toys that littered every inch of the ground.

It was messy but I didn't mind. It was only one day and we had survived. My daughter pulled it together when I needed her most. To my surprise, there was not a single fight or any crying the whole day. I think they might of thought I couldn't handle that on top of the stomach flu.

My 4 and 2 year old daughters in the outfits they picked out and dressed themselves in. I think they look adorable even if they did forget to brush their hair.

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