Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2- Something new to eat

"You are the pickiest eater! You could eat something new every day and fill up your year." That's what my mom informed me of when I called her today and told her about my year long project. Of course I know that but that's not what I want to do. I want to have a variety of experiences.

My family and friends know that I don't eat green things (or white things) except I do have exceptions to those rules. So most people thought I should expand my horizons and eat something I have said I never would. I told my four year old daughter about my project. She immediately picked a food that I have never eaten. She begged, encouraged, and finally talked me into it. At the grocery store, she announced it to other shoppers, who gave me looks of disbelief. We bought what I needed and headed home to try my new food.

Day 2- Today I ate my first salad and it didn't kill me. I know that sounds crazy but I have never eaten a salad. So I ate one today with Italian dressing and croutons. My first bite I was shocked at the taste of the Italian dressing. After every bite, my daughter would say, "What are you eating? Good job, mommy." She has eaten salads as long as I can remember. I tried to suck it up and enjoy it as she was asking for second helpings of salad.

I still don't get how people can eat just a salad for lunch or dinner and nothing else. Do they really like eating this or is it more about trying to eat healthier? Now that I have one salad under my belt, I'm sure I'll have another.



  1. I love you lisa!!!You totally crack me up. I am proud of you for eating a salad!and to do something new everyday!you might eat another
    salad. maybe.

    1. Thanks Jess! I'm totally going to go see your friends and shoot some arrows for one of my things. Maybe you should join me on that outing.
