Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 14- If my kid likes eating it, maybe I should try it.

Goodbye stomach flu, hello food!

Day 14- I did not want to eat or cook for the family after my husband and I both had the stomach flu. I thought soup sounds good but my healthy, hungry children had another idea. My husband picked them up from daycare and when they walked in the door they announced that daddy bought them happy meals. Great for the kidsbut I'm sticking to soup and crackers tonight.

At the dinner table, my husband arranged their food and opened the honey mustard for their chicken nuggets. My 2 year old asked what it was and Dan told her it was honey mustard. She tried it and loved it. We started to talk and the talk of "firsts" came up. I had no idea what to do today and everyone suggested trying honey mustard. I know, you are probably thinking "How could she not have had honey mustard before?" It's true. I have only had mustard when it has been put on my burger by mistake and then I scrape it off never being able to get it all. I can always taste tht little bit on my bun. To be honest, it just ruins the burger!

So I asked for a fry and dipped it in the honey mustard hoping that this small bite wouldn't send me running to the toliet sick again. I tried it. It surprised me how it was zingy. Dan told me maybe I should have tried just mustard before mustard with honey. I looked at him shocked. This is mustard with honey! I had no idea even though the name says it. I was surprised at how it tasted. It didn't repluse me but I also didn't love it so much that I would dip my fingers into it and suck on them like my kids were doing. Maybe next time, I'l just try mustard on a burger. Maybe not.

* Note to my friends- I know this story only proves to you even more that I grew up in a bubble. After all the firsts of this year, I think the bubble will actually pop. Start saying your goodbyes to Bubble Girl!

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